The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2022 03 29

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Article in German on singer in chorus? ALTOGETHER
Book about many people in France BRETONS
Bread given in trench much appreciated PITTA
Conservative swine appears in blue, wanting a plot analysis STORYBOARD
Dead artist seen following exercise in shadow PENUMBRA
Drive away, entering plain, but go too far? OVERSHOOT
Grab an anorak, loosely covering fine husband’s troubled area nagorno-karabakh
Hardened animal doctor stops trainee misbehaving INVETERATE
Move forward as hired hoodlum GOON
One maybe operating still from cell in Merseyside town by river BOOTLEGGER
Painter long ago pinching Napoleon's bottom ERNST
People to lose millions plugging dry red wine TENT
Purchase property in Bow, we hear: eco-community? BIOME
Reluctant to quote over cutting housing cost RETICENT
Seemingly very amused having fixed match? bent double
Suppose example won't begin to contain problem? ASSUME
This will be dark horse ousting leader NIGHT
Those one despises in unpleasant film SCUM
Top rate protection for new heir apparent? crown prince
Underground banker, no good as timekeeper METRONOME
Woman unusually hot when stuffing fish DOROTHY
Aristocrat left overwhelmed by attention EARL
Boss on outskirts of Idaho where TV show is made? STUDIO
Dicky loved Italian city's cycling stadium VELODROME
Jotter from famous college brought back home note-pad
New store runs rota ROSTER
Period of fighting harsh, reflected by American magazine WARTIME
Poet laureate once twenty-four hours on Scottish isle day-lewis
Relative getting drug in French resort NIECE
Remain outside a silent old prison BASTILLE
See about home floor covering LINO
She's a devil getting head to support protest DEMONESS
Show disapproval of incomplete tome BOO
Some icon of fashion not constant on-off
Standard cart reversed by Rod YARDSTICK
Therapeutic massage — it has relaxed us in retirement SHIATSU
Track English whisky RYE
Walk unevenly, drooping LIMP
Where 6's pet food would end up? That's 26 IN TOTO
Net income generator, always covering back e-tailer
A firm in High Street ultimately closes, no matter what at all costs
Yankee altering work on venue? It might happen YOU NEVER KNOW