The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2022 04 27

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Just two different forms of golf for entertainment FAIRGROUND
King heading off cause of malfunction in government KREMLIN
Organised filing near item for filing? FINGERNAIL
Punishes breaking into fields having much greenery LEAFINESS
Seaman, say, hemmed in by land is giving up ABNEGATION
Time to get into bubbly musical work MOTET
Today, disheartened depositor admitted to strain in chilly bank SNOWDRIFT
Virtuoso pianist's record picked up LISZT
Wanting practice in game enclosure RUSTY
What may go on after retiring in close game NIGHTIE
Element of munitions disrupted her plans SHRAPNEL
Expert Peg will secure good student PROTEGE
Favouring endless support PRO
Firm opening of Magnificat — problem for Bach? COMPOSER
Heads of state enterprises all but suppress later event SEQUEL
Hobby? I’m covered in glue PASTIME
I cry unhappily during record — Sondheim? LYRICIST
Is appearing after European legislator exhibits stress EMPHASIS
New star number presented by V and A NOVA
Old soldier cheers, about to finish ongoing conflict VENDETTA
Parliamentary official missing first encouragement to cheer HIP
Part of process seeing return of animals at home STEP
Record and listen in to end of debate TAPE
Second piano study to become broader SPREAD
Spare material certainly running short and not entirely lavish SURPLUS
Striker in game of soccer, say MATCH
Territorial Army containing such panic? ALARM
Times article probing unconventional leader, Greek leader ALEXANDER
University employee of no practical use ACADEMIC
Instruction for player — left winger, perhaps, entering pitch ALLEGRETTO
Incredible tact in entertaining one liner TITANIC
Group of stars holding cape's clingy fabric LYCRA
Girl India put in goal ENID
Endlessly whet top of incisor or canine shar-pei
Charlie having successfully dieted daily? CLEANER
Bird between two big roads in heat MICROWAVE
Artist performing in opera company MONET
A pain to accommodate dry official on mission ATTACHE