The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2022 05 11

crossword answers
Clue Answer
A game is set up, oddly, for a day in church SEPTUAGESIMA
Accepting new power, not a single craftsman is unbiased non-partisan
Acclaim register, one used endlessly by Brussels EULOGISE
Administered church, inspiring priest’s trust RELIANCE
Benefactors having no right to infiltrate parties DONORS
Capital Henry invested in high-quality food shop DELHI
Cook disturbed by a brawl FRAY
Cut out part of support covering financial centre RESECT
Extremely significant widespread conflict STRIFE
Furore over books in part of Belfast STORMONT
Improving technique increases murder rate upskilling
Ineffectual American drug? Not so USELESS
Intimidate son interrupting discussion in plant cow parsley
Like a style of painting some revel in early LINEAR
More recent article identifies site of Roman basilica LATERAN
Newspaper’s revolutionary work plugged by Times leader red-top
Person singing in new boat NARK
Scandinavian food tucked into by a knight on board DANISH
Set cricket side up GEL
Singing and shouting odds regularly inside YODELLING
Student of life misused Bitcoins site bioscientist
Surpass old-fashioned tourists finally on excursion OUTSTRIP
Tedious book lying around Irish quarters TIRESOME
This standard giving rise to censure PAR
Bird going east and west TIT
Brown vehicle under which unfortunate male is trapped CARAMEL
Children’s game inside cottage TAG
Drunkards vandalised poster TOPERS
Enjoy food additive RELISH
Initially weak old boy showed sign of injury and moved unsteadily WOBBLED
Kiss Dot, heading off PECK
Nail not good when pinning end of finger BRAD
Orca, able to destroy fish ALBACORE
Poet's pigeon sure to go back to base HOMER
Small illustration, one fed into computer PIC
Strange old doctor not practising medicine ODD
What could make oldie Tom rock DOLOMITE