The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2022 06 07

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Blocking passage in church, one wet behind ears NAIVE
Bring down books to entertain setter and solver? OUST
Cells initially needing permission to divide? CLEAVE
Ceremonial instruments used in Lysistrata SISTRA
Colt back around western states taking time in principle law of averages
Failure at table to avoid row becoming audible MISCUE
Heavy rain's appearance in low Cornish river and lake DOWNFALL
Leading Tories being honourable? UPRIGHT
Liberal Irish record overturned reveals grave danger PERIL
Old forward is beginning to employ special knowledge EXPERTISE
One leaves old king some fertile land ORCHARD
Placing financial restriction on ordinary folk is old hat MOBCAP
Quarrel caused when posh school fails to open ARROW
Reference work one on China so complex? OEDIPAL
River near tree bordering area in field REALM
Start to grasp socially acceptable English dance BEGUINE
A head of state transmitted approval ASSENT
Appropriate piece of filming TAKE
Bank hosts a track-and-field event RELAY
Bring back space for uncultivated land MOOR
Conscript's vessel found in river DRAFTEE
Custom religious garment HABIT
Delight in prescribing leeches GLEE
In speech, expresses disapproval of alcohol BOOZE
Just organised huge riots RIGHTEOUS
Large metal coin found outside a region of Paris latin quarter
Lid came off, concerning doctors? MEDICAL
Model reportedly knocks place of employment WAXWORK
Produce small puppet SPAWN
Scale of wild dances ASCEND
Supervise poetry being put into Old English OVERSEE
Taunt jogger entering endurance race, initially JEER
Witnesses aim to break close relatives? siamese twins
One arrangement is perfect IDEAL
Stick close to flatmate in block BEAR
Pulse right to coat in warm batter HEARTBEAT
Bengalese AM broadcast not good for ratings able seamen
Barrister and casual worker having endless fun TEMPLAR
Ace in flying saucer gets break CAESURA