The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2022 06 24

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Porter say by railway accepting Cronin's blandishments? CAJOLERY
Put wood back? Relax after taking in warning REFOREST
Stake stuck into companion by unnamed man in drama MACBETH
Stop doctor boarding E-boat? EMBARGO
Survey’s argument against getting into cultural revival RECONNAISSANCE
Alfred’s cooking suddenly burned FLARED
Arrested outlaw after turning over couch NABBED
Big pile of Oxford University books collected by principal MOUNTAIN
Burden one dispatched in Buckinghamshire village bourne end
Cross Tiber, rail having been mended IRRITABLE
Encountered love in Morecambe, maybe, so brilliantly fast! METEORIC
Gets a bolt for fixing fuel container gas-bottle
Indian into grammar at Harvard MARATHA
Italian wine and meat retailed at first by American company LAMBRUSCO
Kid, one of twenty-four found in chest RIB
More Italian pizza in Umbria — just starters PIU
Painting of gorilla oddly missing OIL
Short public disturbance in S American port RIO
Small number put on weight? Unacceptable! NOT ON
Some group’s endeavouring to pass to a higher place upsend
Taking in oxygen, increasingly difficult for squirrel HOARDER
Traveller highwayman initially steals from and beats THROBS
Was busy developing systems underground SUBWAYS
Poem about navy's last ship needing year for journey ODYSSEY
Papers taken up and spread out for show DISPLAY
Old US actor raised as alternative to poets ROBARDS
Lusty Charles for one eating meal left out RAUNCHY
Forecaster interrupted by second news boss loses cool SEES RED
For audition, take out instrument one found in school SEA BASS
Describing every detail, expose illegitimate child blow-by-blow
Crooner posed to accommodate cool artist SINATRA
Couple almost knocked over relative in troublesome spot CARBUNCLE
Bird first-rate seen climbing locust tree, perhaps ROBINIA
A representative leaving mushroom and bun CHIGNON
Cockney warms food EATS