The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2022 07 07

crossword answers
Clue Answer
A sign November is turning to December time NOEL
Briefly take old vessel back round a volcanic island KRAKATOA
Called before match not being broadcast NEE
Don cape before a dance, leading lady love CABALLERO
Filling in cheque, as you’ve not settled? QUEASY
Large amounts of alcohol — old fine — introduced to US domestic market yards of ale
Love last traces of jazz age ever so ZERO
Maybe Swede’s boss informally embracing celebrity, mostly GUSTAV
Mountain republic’s more westerly one excavated for uranium FUJI
Old president in uniform following ceremony I perform POMPIDOU
Old version of my commercial — as before EGAD
Preserve item, often mechanical, a source of drama QUINCE
Sharing out reward, ultimately two pairs in contention? DIVVYING
Spectator originally keen on following race meets runs into
The blessed Guardian’s not partisan, somehow! patron saint
Unusual label on jacket accompanying a cloak DJELLABA
Woman’s who’s fallen — case of fuel leaking? FLOOZY
Young creature dying after taking lion’s head for its tail! YEARLING
Article, genuine, referring to locality AREAL
Bill of relatively small price, we hear, for picture TABLEAU
Divulge answer during party REVEAL
Expedition long way off is, on return, written about SAFARI
Female fighter, extremely capable ALICE
Honour leading pairs of actors, covering last decade ACCOLADE
Instruct set of coaches? TRAIN
Leader heard Republican missed out HEAD
Maybe Jack’s way to send greetings CARD
Note politician yet to arrive, a pattern TEMPLATE
Prevent entry of mischievous Peke, newly released KEEP OUT
Recurring idea used in intro, perfect TROPE
Separate role PART
Spice in container brought up by Margaret NUTMEG
University moved fast, initially isolating unruly male element URANIUM
Vegetable, poor stuff, I hesitate to say TATER