The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2022 07 08

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Unsophisticated sort of tyranny on line YOKEL
Workforce, following decline, means to raise standards FLAGSTAFF
A “B road” bearing us westwards is ludicrous ABSURD
Almost collapse before argument in shrill voice FALSETTO
Bookworm, say, taking in page in study INSPECT
Exams, incorporating problem and answer, bearing fruit SATSUMAS
French playwright needing more to pen story MOLIERE
Garden bird nibbled morsel TITBIT
I have contracts after hours in busy workplace HIVE
Incident involving woman from Old Testament and New Testament EVENT
Petals represented in crayon PASTEL
Ponder gearwheel — it corroded COGITATE
Simple map including India PLAIN
Small boat making for island SARK
Some icebergs around water bird GREBE
Star losing head: “get knotted!” ENTANGLE
The setter goes before second reminder MEMO
Train’s erratic temperature in carriage TRANSIT
Unusual focaccia pie initially needs a lot of water Pacific Ocean
Undoing Nadine's jacket I dipped in pickle NEMESIS
Tommy's edging round enchanting lady in a fearful state? TWITCHY
Tin item on chest supported by ship BRASS
Suggest convict holds appeal up INTIMATE
Storer of cookies knowing to eat 500 ADWARE
State one's arguments against invading land WISCONSIN
Single young man admits not eating bread pronto a fast buck
Report of toughness in variety of rock METAL
Opera company repeated Ring movement me too
Not dating posh girl English idiot embraces AGELESS
Many a red deer has fled trembling inside hard left
Make detached house in middle of county fine UNHOOK
Louvre, German agreed, more insect-infested? Not quite JALOUSIE
In turnover, hot and lush rhubarb TOSH
Great example of Times news BYWORD
Cream sample of fabric covers measuring device STOPWATCH
Certain of success out tippling? Au contraire! home and dry
Acid set off endless spasm CAUSTIC
Dubiously sell art connected to top celebrities … STELLAR
Charges brought by a new spouse? STEPCHILDREN
What one may do to rocket in take-off send-up