The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2022 08 02

crossword answers
Clue Answer
British government abroad runs a judiciary initially RAJ
Composer somewhere in Germany briefly joins Australian BERLIOZ
Criticise a clerk, we hear, producing cigar PANATELLA
Furry carnivorous mammal biting stump arctic fox
Huge number working beyond factory unit MILLION
Jack and Mark do not vote ABSTAIN
Muscle ailing during army corps dance QUADRILLE
One's foolish when gripped by cards JACKASS
Perfect date in Rome, mostly by a lake IDEAL
Pound calamari, removing head QUID
Salt put on waterproof surface of road? TARMAC
Small illuminated atelier regularly visited LITTLE
Sound of sheep eating grandma's fruit BANANA
Suddenly frighten fryer in charge PANIC
Tear fastener ZIP
Valerie cops everyone tipping over wine VALPOLICELLA
Awaiting or missing cough medicine EXPECTANT
Artist capturing island and drowned valley RIA
Argument after work upset new religious leader PONTIFF
Antony cut in half unknown gemstone ONYX
Ancient tablet, pink and dry, son ate stupidly ROSETTA STONE
Wrapping of pet novel unexpectedly inspiring soldiers ENVELOPMENT
Voyager’s headless corpse son takes legal action over ODYSSEUS
Very easy at first, containing current struggle VIE
Tatum, perhaps, works as an expert craftsman ARTISAN
Speaker’s old hair feature artist captured ORATRESS
Sick man digesting lines about native of ancient region ILLYRIAN
Rubbish dropped on French friend’s floor-covering TATAMI
Ride on runners? It takes a lot of skill! SLEIGH
Part of circle in rescue vessel, do we hear? ARC
Noise inhibitor quietly accepted by listeners EARPLUG
Clarify opposition viewpoint abandoned by Society DISENTANGLE
Brainchild of Theban king protecting a palmlike plant CREATION
Bad-tempered person driving taxi across river CRABBY