The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2022 08 08

crossword answers
Clue Answer
A rare, laborious alternative name for 10 aurora borealis
A university man breaking into a mechanised system AUTOMATION
Attempt to stop tree going west — or shrub MYRTLE
Books supporter’s written about King Edward, truly LITERALLY
Disheartened over a politician’s speechmaking ORATORY
Early poet’s lad catching salmon or sea trout SKELTON
Eating-place’s lack of wine, excluding Riesling at first NOSHERY
Exclusive group’s simple dwelling overlooking great lake COTERIE
Footwear sticks on top of scraper GUMSHOE
Hairy-footed midget’s pastime, mostly just what’s needed HOBBIT
Hit back about woman losing son in gallery RETALIATE
Kitchen amenity daughter found on coach? Not initially DRAINER
Luxury car in outskirts of Derby? That’s funny DROLLERY
Most senior woman swindled about Japanese currency DOYENNE
Never, sadly, having capacity to be like Bede! VENERABLE
Permanent cross removed from outside ETERNAL
Plundering gang takes a long time pinching gear BRIGANDAGE
Prows of vessels steaming in arrow’s range BOWSHOT
Replace soldiers, as it happens, touring East RELIEVE
Sobbed quietly, kept in by rain WEPT
Steps taken to deceive left-wing extremist FOXTROT
War on kid initially harming complex creation HANDIWORK
A risky venture? Help! ABET
Accept some stolen Dürers ENDURE
Bachelor, a learner, keeping clear of wedding? BRIDAL
Brad in LA, or somewhere in Canada? LABRADOR
Check car will be on time AUDIT
Confused, as Columbus often was? AT SEA
Corrupt deputy, half gone at party DEPRAVE
Delighted Conservative, left outside EXCITED
Dishy school principal, an impetuous person HOTHEAD
Fancy leaving wife for social worker? ANT
Hear, moving right to front, a flightless bird RHEA
Latin tutor’s admission of responsibility? MEA CULPA
No big deal, as Norman put it after mix-up UNIMPORTANT
One recording beer drinkers downing last of ale CAMERA
Repented raving about Charlie in previous case PRECEDENT
Republican in silly plan DRAFT
Same kit reused? That’s an oversight MISTAKE
Took a quick look, annoyed you might say PEEKED