The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2022 08 11

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Strike idiots on behind DOWN TOOLS
Surviving tours United left jubilant EXULTANT
A nobleman has penned conclusion of epic story ACCOUNT
American alongside bottom row RUMPUS
Arrogant person out of bed before dawn UPSTART
Boastful conversation: hang up GAS
Club chauffeur DRIVER
Deceitful probably, inglorious hosts LYING
First of six lives for sibling SIS
Goad visible, it's said? INCITE
Italian food carried by gang, as a lawyer recalled LASAGNA
Journalist caught in disturbance, weakening REDUCTION
Maestro left in fury when shown up ELGAR
Make sense finally during case CREATE
Notion, one almost gone IDEA
Payment securing a track lifted for film FEATURE
Philosopher in audible whisper? RUSSELL
Red edges in fleece CRIMSON
Show salesman envy REPRESENT
Small measure previously containing uranium OUNCE
Top mimic ending on box APEX
Upset, trainees do it badly DISORIENTATE
Wobbly right, measure round waist GIRTH
Sky features return of popular doctor, upright character NIMBI
President hasn't finished drink CHAI
Person who digs up scripture about deity MINERVA
Perhaps school bags always very hot FEVERISH
One having basic craft for a bit of carpentry RAFTER
Novel, revolutionary trouble for old ruler MIKADO
Leader of police stops mastermind leaving home? He made many busts EPSTEIN
It increases volume of e.g. a diamond around ring MEGAPHONE
In front of monarch, blow kiss SMACKER
He questionably claims penny on being given cash PRETENDER
Guarantee to lose right result ENSUE
Good school subject to follow in French class GENRE
Cryptic indication of red potato KING EDWARD
Crime, but not of dodgy dealer FENCE
Confession of follower heard to get slap EYE SHADOW
Charm shown by publication — new version of Times MAGNETISM
Before request, take off a little winter covering ski mask
Signal where trade insubstantial traffic light
Supervisor for hunting a bird in green space game warden
No bores providing film's opening shot in-off
Callous — as Humpty Dumpty might have been? hard-boiled
Unripped condition of letter rent-free