The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2022 08 19

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Spencer changing amateur film script SCREENPLAY
Affectionate proposal TENDER
An edit’s rewritten as an alternative INSTEAD
Burial mound yielding up British weapon ARROW
Chess player losing learner’s support BACK
Dog is company — right good one CORGI
Joke about girl being straitlaced PURITAN
Regularly encountering waves restyled as a fringe SEAFARING
Serious error getting second home SIN
Shame a Christmas stealer is promoting church? CHAGRIN
Songbird, black, in wind NIGHTINGALE
Spirit’s good, burning like a fire GIN
Street is a place for activity AVENUE
Small pale bird SWAN
Rest live around university RESIDUE
Secrete via worming gut EVISCERATE
What may apply grease and a lot of gooey stuff GUN
Republic once putting an extra bar on fuel? EIRE
Police seizing weapons used for bagging old animal MARMOSET
Delicious drink, new crate sent round NECTAR
Pass over question one in no-good sullen seminar COLLOQUIUM
Where you'd find many layers of yellow on drive chicken run
Nearly opening wee dram, perhaps later today TONIGHT
Learned study in wordplay, say, rejected genned up
Skinned seabird, unknown one, shown in international gallery UFFIZI
Rod served up a little waffle or bun RABBIT
Extremely noble knight supporting Round Table member? NEON
Change trains, missing one and not getting to express? TRANSMUTE
Servant marks refusal to doff cap MENIAL
Snake regularly hiding in baobab BOA
At last, Manchester United revived RALLIED
One playing instrument made from old French wood — tango? OBOIST
Mysterious quality of classical Italian church ROMANCE
One for suppressing reports on driving? SILENCER
Jack entering low spell MOJO
Plant continually in a rich soil, mostly ALOE VERA
Come forward, turning over tools heartlessly? STEP UP
Fury in district, stone being taken back MEGAERA
Exam nerves not right — almost pulled out eleven-plus
Busy magazine Private Eye
Albert and 22 rebuilt tent TABERNACLE