The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2022 08 22

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Tropical plant Society woman raised SENNA
Typical daily deed relating to logical disputation CHARACTERISTIC
Instant support SECOND
Way advancing years finally progress, in steps STAGES
Writers use it incomplete, feeling strain imperfect tense
American tucked into his unusual Japanese food SUSHI
Anger erupting about closing of elegant wedding venue GRETNA
Applaud revolutionary role? Nonsense CLAPTRAP
Be greatly entertained to be ready for soccer? have a ball
Box, additional, but not full SPAR
Cancel removal of second article from regular publication ANNUL
Dislike a variant? AVERSION
Entertained us, plunging into a sea AMUSED
Fail to include old American institute OMIT
Fancy a whisky? Very quickly! LIKE A SHOT
Furniture item till now is lacking base SOFA
IT firm investing in odd bits of some TV series? SITCOM
Lack of interest in proven nuisance ENNUI
Location of Greek oracle guided retreating Greek character DELPHI
Sikh’s opening statement of belief? It’s a long document SCREED
Stain resembling small lake? TARNISH
The writer’s keeping on meeting mischievous royalty? MONARCHY
Very agreeable drink CORDIAL
Very keen about Queen using a towel DRYING
Fruit and nuts, mostly BANANA
Table ornament kept in centre by green bananas EPERGNE
Spy crosses river, initially heading for animal shelter? MOUSEHOLE
Remove light from some proscribed images BEDIM
Quiet chap doing washing, shaking off a robber PLUNDERER
Novice’s ecofriendly producer of notes GREENHORN
Napier’s power to record a beat for listeners? LOGARITHM
Move forward bearing large club BLUDGEON
Mountain range’s condition observed by scholar’s son MASSIF
Like igneous rock in film about Beds town PLUTONIC
Lessee aunt sent out to secure book SUBTENANT
Leader of Opposition leaves district over in African state NIGER
Educational institution originally training young Mitford sister UNITY
Dismal amount of herbs? RUEFUL
Commotion made by strange cat having tail docked RUMPUS
Cockney bloke adopting a rich apparel ARRAY
Clan member carries first of trophies across busy road TOTEMIST