The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2022 09 05

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Sumptuous portion of yakitori chicken RICH
Time after time, love is a source of inspiration ERATO
Advice to buyer: try timeless ring owned by speleologist CAVEAT EMPTOR
Arabian film star engages university in dispute ARGUABLE
Cold fish behave like limpets CLING
Dance round under branch LIMBO
Go round twisty ridge, making descent PEDIGREE
Grand boy, taking violin out of case, blossoms GLADIOLI
Home Office head stops just over a hundred masses HOI POLLOI
Insensitive state drivers commandeering a single convertible ANALGESIA
Is it always plain sailing for him? ORDINARY SEAMAN
Like buccaneer briefly left below island hoping to make it ASPIRATIONAL
Lower front of sister's hood SCOWL
Minister's aide tormented a co-ed head DEACONESS
Old queen in charge of resistance unit OHMIC
One piece of writing in career is unconvincing FLIMSY
Police arrest leading lad shooting darts CUPID
Put differently, traveller has English about right REPHRASE
Raphael's first avoids glazing detail, creating illusion VANISHING POINT
Slate lawyer, bamboo fancier PANDA
Stocky type to finish concert up in old hotel ENDOMORPH
Stooping to secure second creative work DESIGNING
Victor replaced by Number 10 in patent offensive OBNOXIOUS
Student group starts to improve and creates great work CLASSIC
Slow, scruffy members of parliament? OWLS
Singer’s first substandard track SPOOR
Rhinos moving east away from water? INSHORE
Poet excluded in conversation BARD
Person arranged extremely sensible answer RESPONSE
Perfume from a city in Italy AROMA
I try embodying a Shakespearean character IAGO
Hired gun travelling round British capital EDINBURGH
Guy supervising entrance held up a form of ID NAME TAG
Fooling around and also hyper, possibly HORSEPLAY
Final, net value adjusted EVENTUAL
Female effortlessly acquires billions, probably FEASIBLY
Empty garage next to little house GEMINI
Crew ultimately provides muscle SQUAD
Compile a crossword collection SET
Admiral regularly turned up to offer assistance AID
Yankee cabs ignoring sort of junction feature in chart y-axis