The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2022 09 12

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Denied profit, succeeded getting subsidies GAINSAID
Drained river? Bound to go across it TIRED
Fool is maintaining record's purity ASEPSIS
Had to follow medic getting overwhelmed DROWNED
Having raised temperature, swallow hot drink TEA
Respected female finished suppressing desire DOYENNE
Rocky's incompetent boxing extremely suspect UNSTABLE
The city of Paris? TROY
WWII belligerent to criticise Munich Agreement at first JAPAN
You no longer must accept hard time: it's all over THROUGHOUT
Broadcast set to receive unknown viewer's complaint STYE
Unsatisfactory article by lecturer occasionally off and on
Surrealist artist terribly stern ERNST
Small, shy, lazy person SLOB
See about donkey's rope LASSO
Right pocket APPROPRIATE
Rear half of studio, once, base for bishop's office DIOCESE
No official line given by America REFUSAL
More unpleasant retsina circulated NASTIER
Initially, pen picked up for some writing PROSE
In job, Ella regularly observed Christmas NOEL
Favouring mature fodder FORAGE
Famous school speaker's had meal ETON
Doctor of medicine bottles each fermented drink MEAD
Departure, for example, concerning sons EGRESS
Crime in parsonage ARSON
Court punished Yankee's public protest OUTCRY
Canine barking around hot Indian city CHENNAI
Ancient language of unwell younger Scotsman ILLYRIAN
Spurning love, copies ancient king XERXES
Saving Italy's capital, or one of its capitals BARI
Perhaps who e.g. mum favouring old sister hugs RELATIVE PRONOUN
Partners smuggling crack before arrest for kind of crime white-collar
Inspired current prince inspired by Kelly? INHALED
Going straight home to wear wig, a bald drunk law-abiding
Crook and prison pal showing how partners may be joined CONJUGALLY
Stressful experience getting low grades in exam ORDEAL
Play rock 'n' roll hit, deprived of telephone use HEARTBREAK HOUSE