The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2022 09 22

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Primate voiced displeasure entering bar BABOON
Recalled verse concerning boring food for Muslim ascetics DERVISHES
Single man disheartened and glum SOLEMN
Soft glow is potentially charming, encircling loch CANDLELIGHT
Steal lead from church and take a close look round CREEP
Unfinished section of minster creating hazard CHANCE
Working on one line in poem, showing adaptability VERSATILE
A breeze from East, say, windy EASY
A little drunk? Very little TIDDLY
Begin new life BEING
Character played, part of Prospero legendary ROLE
Contract, as written in order DECREASE
Eat bird SWALLOW
Farm animal on a road, chicken COWARD
Gold, say, in electrical component ELEMENT
Head removed from serious figure EIGHTY
Impulsive type, he had to elaborate HOTHEAD
Item for breakfast ending in hot oven TOAST
Mix some turmeric into rice, initially STIR
Money we returned for a little food CASHEW
Radio set after retuning reaching minor planet ASTEROID
Recent ad broadcast for bottle DECANTER
Salt and wine I spilt in middle WAISTLINE
Shop I ran turned around DELI
Some seed I blessed, good to eat EDIBLE
Student of wizardry, snooker player? POTTER
Patriarch's untaxed investment about to be raised ISAAC
Noughts on end of digit in addition TOO
Look at me outside Yemeni port, returning at some point one day
Like to come round by Tuesday to see compound ADMIXTURE
Judge leaving kid bearing crown is Walter Mitty type ESCAPIST
Indecent, having name for sergeant major's barking NUTTY
Guardian's gripping article is utterly bizarre TUTELARY
Gossips circulating primarily among shoe shop staff perhaps SCANDALMONGERS
Emotional rent boy's base TEARY
Embellish book's jacket, receiving retrospective grant BEDECK
East European charging money for Shylock's tutors EDUCATES
Detective officer, man of concern to women DISTAFF
Coastal city below Wash LAUNDER
Carry mark as symbol of clan membership TOTEM
Average temperature implied MEANT
Arab once struggling across line in Olympic venue BARCELONA
Absurd assistant sweeping around old cross PARADOXICAL
A forceful, eccentric fan’s a rare find four-leaf clover