The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2022 10 13

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Almost never coming back unruffled EVEN
Brontë’s governess married him somewhere in Kent ROCHESTER
Captain Nemo somehow inspiring India’s liberation EMANCIPATION
Controversial European given reason to act EMOTIVE
Dish made by English on holiday TRIPE
Goes for a spin in expensive car? ROLLS
Greek character cutting top off cheese ETA
Group needing somewhere to sleep beside Great Lake COTERIE
Half of police are finishing early, freezing cold POLAR
Idiot going round Brazil? NUTCASE
Native American’s beliefs died out CREE
One believing article is true at first THEIST
Report of rough sleeper crossing island DOSSIER
Reporter’s spotted a flycatcher SPIDER
Ridiculously priced hat — very inexpensive DIRT CHEAP
Skilled worker sends a porter mad tradesperson
Soldier reluctant initially to visit US state MARINE
Speak for Royal Engineers in attendance REPRESENT
Strange drink for a pirate? RUM
Stranger has an entertaining story ALIEN
Woman in diocese undergoing change of heart SUE
British sailors possessing deficiency, still getting stick BLACKTHORN
Colour of sky pointer to storm oyster pink
Laughter and harsh cries as leaders swap personal flaws BIRTHMARKS
Men probing underlying cause of fallen cradle? Dodgy old seat ROTTEN BOROUGH
Misses Damien’s manoeuvres MAIDENS
One declining to follow vehicle — preferred one to go on foot carpet slipper
One taking inappropriate interest in single nurse we’re told loan shark
Parties not exactly required by politicians CAMPS
Ready for Asian broadcast again: HF AFGHANI
Setter’s cornered daughter in lane, it’s claimed ALLEGEDLY
Sign seen at hen party? OMEN
That is muscle one would work on defiantly? SCAB
Things to observe after resorting to an alibi NOTABILIA
Unknown number removed from opposite side by a clear-out ENEMA
Very large copper can put in convict for bussing OSCULATING
Wishes friend to get hold of incredible hit song long tall sally