The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2022 10 17

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Howl worried upper-class Liberal repeatedly at first ULULATE
Instrument in Cambridge college keeping in time CLARINET
Joint ought to be livelier, ultimately SHOULDER
Lively spirit one observed in little sibling BRIO
Most ancient member of upper chamber breaking ties EARLIEST
Reportedly purchase some African lilies primarily for celebration BIENNIAL
Revolutionary shelter informer provided for marine plant EELGRASS
Spineless fish extremely lazy about fighting COWARDLY
Teaching alphabet including old Greek character IOTA
Vehicle husband used in wild, uncultivated country BUSH
Weirdo backing party finally organised dance ODDBALL
Woman’s articles incorporating news ANNA
Boy, pop singer needs one! MIKE
Bring up back REAR
Coins to drop in church CHANGE
Fair, when daughter punches devious noble BLONDE
Feature of poker: not bent STRAIGHT
Fringe partly trimmed, gently EDGE
Lid securing head of raw fish CARP
Measurer for vehicle PROTRACTOR
Open lane used freely UNSEALED
Presumably easy, raid becoming complicated I DARE SAY
Purest limits of music playing in band SPECTRUM
Right behind tablet, a column PILLAR
Ship rocks on wave ICEBREAKER
Side of meat cut for baked dish FLAN
Small rooms where pot goes! PANTRIES
Snake, police chief? COPPERHEAD
That man, creative, friendly and warm HEARTY
Warning triangle represented ALERTING
Group of workers covered by nation’s laws STATUTES
Fruit web-footed bird found by touring English rivers GOOSEBERRY
Flyer produced by artist during spell in jail RAINBIRD
Fish endlessly on island, a Mediterranean one SARDINIA
Exchange views on princess’s malediction DISCUSS
Doddery duke missing from Beds town UNSTABLE
Doctor regales son, showing generosity LARGESSE
Crazy, awful place — Brazil may be in it NUTSHELL
Canvas giving trouble after ship crosses river STAYSAIL
Bury model, one who intrudes interposer
Attract newlywed to cross key part of castle, perhaps DRAWBRIDGE
American writer, female, Emily Dickinson, for example? POETESS
A French press chief accepts reverse, lacking support unbacked