The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2022 11 16

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Blend of fragrances around garden regularly advanced EARL GREY
Bumbling constable has fruit on stalk DOGBERRY
Burst of train speed unexciting PEDESTRIAN
Cut made in Christmas liturgy SLIT
Disabled, and one is excused from voting IMPAIRED
Employ Greek and old Arab outside sporting estate grouse moor
Fantasy husband off to look for pity once UNTRUTH
Grub puts a lot of fat on Virginia LARVA
Large number Hun eliminated, inspiring a terror DREAD
March up and down a row of shops PARADE
Much to dish out to audience A LOT
Not entirely straightforward to look after soap setting EAST END
Not paired off, daughters need love first of all ODD
Polish river, or German ODER
Prove wrong to get out of bed? DEBUNK
Puzzle of extremely reliable boat capsizing REBUS
Romantic group seek a plot for development LAKE POETS
Shortly officially approve introducing freezing cold transport BICYCLES
Tie finally put on to twist and knot NODE
Turned up in canoe, but missing out DUG
Two sorts of European closely related GERMANE
Animal losing tail in river DEE
Assumed to be tedious person BORE
Celebrity chef perhaps may have art treasure arranged round middle of house RESTAURATEUR
Danseur dancing apart ASUNDER
Dish available in US city no more BALTI
Expert editor returning to newspaper DEFT
Flowering plants needed for Easter Sunday ASTERS
Get a group of singers to listen to ACQUIRE
In favour of bottom of river being delved into PROBED
Money prohibited, we hear, for musicians BRASS BAND
Petition concerning expedition? REQUEST
Scot meets English fellow in ancient territory MACEDON
Team resigned, being involved in a row DISAGREEMENT
What you must do, only having five to fill in SOLVE
Youngster to jog but not run TOT
One patronising royal house perhaps as poor — agree to differ OPERAGOER
Girl composed verse full of ecstasy MADELEINE
Break watch: one’s not always working part-timer