The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2022 11 17

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Bomb shelter descended on by US politicians GO PHUT
Clear air, initially cold, above desert ACQUIT
Convert to Presley, rocking PROSELYTE
Don ugly pants — and far from clean? UNGODLY
Excited platoon up for final advance? top-up loan
Filming hosts prepare food dye CARMINE
I’m going to lift different bits, evidently CHEERIO
Married in August a female relative GRANDMA
Old headgear originally practically any graphic could represent phrygian cap
Public official is gracious I aver, finally CORONER
Put on extended promotion ADD
Refuse girl pasty DISALLOW
See me up from time to time? Yes and no EMU
Setter, perhaps childishly dumping 25 gallons in sink DOGGIE
Shake after medium’s lost voice TREBLE
The price of iron ore eclipsing gold FEE
Anger after boy’s Christmas gift FRANKINCENSE
Cereal grass slightly bitter, we hear? RYE
Claims containers, a lot BAGS
Clear, flat land PLAIN
Dance affair FLING
Drop in numbers a godsend SAG
Eating badly, first of lentils consumed for protein GELATIN
Egg container up-ended NIT
Fliers about no Italian GENOESE
Great lad, almost entirely unruly, free from jail AT LARGE
Leap year's first full season SPRING
Nowhere near fifty, Australian restrained, first of all FAR
Relation: a funny tune inspiring one AUNTIE
Sentimental cast sing a lot, crying initially NOSTALGIC
Short trip around a country SPAIN
Smoke in car, get it fixed before end of race CIGARETTE
State phrase when I'm requiring translation NEW HAMPSHIRE
Trip put an end to children's game HOPSCOTCH
Upset when I complain WHINE
What’s said to raise a smile in Cheshire? CHEESE
Wheel surround revolving in every turn TYRE
List of numbers shrinking quietly over time YELLOW PAGES