The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2022 12 01

crossword answers
Clue Answer
A figure fancier and strangely tailored IDOLATER
A little son being important SMATTERING
Alone around home, ending in black and hard depression SINKHOLE
Burden — and where it might fall ONUS
Cancel journey after a number of deliveries OVERRIDE
Clubs undergoing trial for competition CONTEST
Daughter perhaps is telling stories RELATION
Disdainful second refusal over British blunder SNOBBISH
Frustrated Christian’s superior and unruly fellow BLIGHTED
Gave money to area beset by rising depression PAID
Note tons absorbed in needlework CROTCHET
One harvesting fish circling at a particular point GATHERER
Ray perhaps is small and perversely heavy SUNLIGHT
Ruin — it lies west of here DASH
See cricket perhaps missing runs SPOT
Shut up Zulu bands performing around king IMPRISON
Tsar following dictator killing off a popular composer SULLIVAN
Vessel’s company reported over girl, we hear? CRUCIBLE
What takes its toll of fish dangling from reel? TURNPIKE
Wife putting on fleecy layer WADDING
A listening device inside faction’s missile launcher CATAPULT
A number appreciate information technology DIGIT
Boast, stuffing rupees into sack BRAG
Droop as long story appears endless SAG
Fruity dessert: trifle? FOOL
Genuine-sounding part of film REEL
Kept going and took action about blemish SUSTAINED
Make known I am a constituent IMPART
Meeting takes shape around university FORUM
Need email translated for girl MADELEINE
One very prejudiced book I obtained BIGOT
One’s turn to bowl delayed? OVERDUE
Ragamuffin church invited inside URCHIN
So call in to cook leek SCALLION
Temporary housing not yet marvellous? PREFAB
Person of colour accepting English ideal of moderation GOLDEN MEAN
A source of water includes sulphur too AS WELL
Instructions to leave a high-rise building derelict down-and-out
Boxer who sat up after a clobbering SOUTHPAW