The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2022 12 21

crossword answers
Clue Answer
A Rupert Bear broadcast? BROOKE
CIA for example means business AGENCY
Coming into dance, rocker's rival shows style again REMODEL
Devil concealing tail goes around performing musical form SONATA
Doctor prescribed after damage seen in monkey MARMOSET
Gossip surrounds party on Republican right in state ANDORRA
I dread setting poorly, having lost judgment DISINTEGRATED
Know about Porter finally finding musical contemporary? KERN
Little child left in stranger's care after time TODDLER
Old sewer's part altered having collapsed TREADLE
Particle beginning to trigger inside nerve cell NEUTRON
Patient men on following carriage FORBEARING
Powerful god still meeting resistance THOR
Star in wooded valley left strangled by snake DENEBOLA
Suspend setter for example, guilty in manner HANGDOG
This chap a rock, might we presume? diamond geezer
We should put up a standing stone! STELA
Record is set in Washington DISC
A climber perhaps ascended AROSE
Boil tuna after mincing and washing ABLUTION
Bring to light contents of cell — lice and nits? ELICIT
Cover wager about large bank losing billions BLANKET
Go after concerning journey home? RETURN
Having less hair to tear? Nonsense BALDERDASH
I’m trapped by burning ceiling LIMIT
Individual and unpleasant smell on article HUMAN
It’s sweeter when in difficulties knowing how to handle oneself STREETWISE
Looking good in some fine attire NEAT
Noise made by cat’s pursuer girl’s seen off PURR
Road surfacing while parking has to stop ASPHALT
Set a high value on European encounters after returning ESTEEM
Show in reconstructed PE centre PRETENCE
Sorts English font finally, to prepare for printing TYPESET
Strange ooze absorbing nitrogen gas OZONE
Struggle of doctor getting into his white garment? COMBAT
What could be keeping up standards? FLAGPOLE
Thirteen break out: criminals at last practise Buddhism? BAKERS DOZEN