The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2023 04 05

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Right to become centrepiece of easily understood graphic LURID
Still presented as fair even-handed
Strange pair after CD lifted bone FEMUR
Tasteless, if popular, drink one had INSIPID
A liberal follows rotten tripe OFFAL
Asking price for hit man? OFFER
Boys and girls initially pack BAG
Challenging paintings of rat or tar? abstract art
Getting close to Grannie Dotty NEARING
Hemp fibre in refurbished sails SISAL
Herb's occasion to be heard THYME
Ignore vandalized district REGION
Instrument returned for neighbour ABUT
Military unit destroyed a bridge BRIGADE
Overwhelm small matriarch SMOTHER
Pull profit, taking it in GRAVITY
Put handcuffs on rarest criminal ARREST
Renounce Me generation in part, taken aback RENEGE
Rep books after a period AGENT
Reproduce black woodwind instrument BREED
Simple chess ending tricks friend fools mate
Small design of lavatory holding gallons LOGO
That lady is almost here HER
Tusked beast's mum stood on missing first egg MASTODON
Wise guy moving nearly all scrap metal smart alec
Reveal more appropriate place to shop OUTFITTER
Priest I envy: he’s awfully prone to overreact? HYPERSENSITIVE
Pilot in need of a route from Italy to Qatar finally AVIATOR
Old race vehicle out of gas rounding port CHARIOT
Inclined afterwards to improve — looking tired initially ATILT
He must keep fighting harmful programs MALWARE
Half-heartedly mock lame eccentric touring American city JERUSALEM
Girl leading procession millions resolved to jeer at MAJORETTE
Game official using computers for makeover REFIT
Fool touching gunpowder ingredient NITRE
Fly close to ground in fighter jet, heading east MIDGE
English finish before Scotland ultimately could get started ENGENDERED
Dodge marshal, overwhelmed by fear, perhaps EARP
Disguises knight in green dress every so often ENCODES
Desk in small room briefly overturned on seabird LECTERN
Dad’s time is gone PAST
Complete reversal of stage act getting some applause TURNROUND
Be unfair to her, maybe, starting a little late EXIST