The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2023 04 10

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Fool declines credit DIPSTICK
Be anxious having wife in residence SWEAT
Day in NY? Yes, fantastic city SYDNEY
Dilapidated horse-drawn carriage carrying two bishops SHABBY
Dingy loos set up in Spitzbergen SVALBARD
Excuse a page on science APOLOGY
Feature of Berg’s music composed almost in A ATONALISM
Fighting spirit of dog can upset it over years PUGNACITY
Is girl able to take out competitor? CANDIDATE
Key runs under professional test champion PROMOTER
Look up in native American language CREOLE
Man in suit failing to start Yankee’s guaranteed payment ANNUITY
Mushroom used in kitchen Okinawa-style ENOKI
One holding a person’s hat by peak CAPTOR
One keeping books in balance fled having concealed one LIBRARIAN
Painter of heavenly figure RAPHAEL
Principal Zulu city MAINZ
Problems exist over European exchange programme ERASMUS
Small hint? Absolutely SIMPLY
What to get after nine assembly toys for young one? KITTEN
Your associate has perhaps initially put back bract phyllary
A bloke carrying boy round drink AMERICANO
A way past disagreement on reflection, initially AT FIRST
Alloy wheels stolen, be furious! carbon steel
Broadcast dark period piece KNIGHT
Car manufacturer close to Oxford, one intending to import first of Ladas DAIMLER
Characteristic of chaps crossing perfect stretch of water menai strait
Disinfected blister I left to shrink STERILE
Dissertation originally by old maestro, dramatised OVERDID
Drunk welcome beyond Devon etc SWALLOWED
Embarrassed: like you, reportedly? SHEEPISH
Emotional teacher's first lecture TEARFUL
Enduring war, tragically futile UNREWARDING
For each family conflict, gesture old pretender PERKIN WARBECK
Whimsical old fashion designer embracing individual QUAINT
Welshman's raised floor DAIS
Tasteless stuff supported by one French filmmaker TATI
Suppose old identification number unusable ultimately OPINE
Strained sweet courses knocked back STRESSED
Slope incorporated railway INCLINE
Singular language used by golf party SHINDIG
Mark, during Christmas, served up fruit LEMON
Key tip joining variable fabric CHINTZ
Jack and Nigel arranged short catchy tune JINGLE
Hat drunkard pinches quietly TOPPER
Group of musical mimics curtailed trip, reportedly barred on Scottish isle tribute band
Complain doctor’s consuming alcohol GRUMP
Fight between two outstanding lawyers primarily DUEL
Exercise before small drink press-up
Eager, bringing forward new joint KNEE
Dark, cold agent, powerfully built, needing no introduction CREPUSCULAR
Choppy sea, for me, horrifying FEARSOME
Ancient British tribe somewhat artistic, enigmatic ICENI
A Manc goalie, awfully self-important EGOMANIACAL
NINE OF DIAMONDS? baseball team
Heading off, poach bird TEAL
Herb, Charlie and Romeo CLOVER
High-sounding holy shrouds on canvas PRETENTIOUS
Insect has taken fly off gazelle, say ANTELOPE
Laugh initially nailed by halfwits, instant comedy SLAPSTICK
Matter dropped when top side hammered DEPOSIT
Miss warning: “broadcast on air” SIGNORINA
One's as stupid, apparently, when news is slow SILLY SEASON
Piscatorial, maybe, and cold? OFFISH
Plant philosopher pulled up SUMAC
Plunge has sea bird catching a fly, say DIPTERAN
Preserve licence, say, for dog CANID
Put down location of bench in sporting arena SQUASH COURT
Remove from church where US city is icebound LAICISE
Samples in vegetables eyed, first of swedes eaten TASTERS
Second before now BACK
See you grabbing tail of sleek otter TARKA
Ship returning banks on European currency KRONA
Sloe gin, a strange motor fuel! GASOLINE
Sober plug for spirit DRYAD
Song in a code relating to hives APIARIAN
Sticky bat compiler wielded PROBLEMATIC
Stone to kill, sent skywards TOPAZ
Tailored suit, dull coats for musician FLAUTIST
Those spotted in historical Croatian region? DALMATIANS
Women wanting fig leaves for plant naked ladies