The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2023 04 14

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Aircraft to lift alien’s coat BOMBER JACKET
Cases of cider, ice-cream and Barolo for Christmas CRIMBO
Charlie cut a toffee, perhaps CHEW
City some discover on Adige VERONA
Evil intent of maiden, a girl in wonderland MALICE
Exclamation of alarm as a horde assembled OH DEAR
Girl endlessly tries to grab one kiss TRIXIE
Money order spoken for by vet or E European? CHEQUE
One arranged to keep ten cattle OXEN
Our vet is upset, becoming glassy VITREOUS
Place in Austria making razors for paring down GRAZ
Pram zone zoo’s organised for female singer mezzo-soprano
Variable IQ reflected after taking in university pub event? QUIZ
Very unpleasant fag would, when put out god-awful
Yes German females like oranges! JAFFAS
A scruff grabbing a good person’s foot ANAPAEST
After time Austen novel brings complaint TETANUS
Animal caught in field eaten by kitty POLECAT
Cat woman's under pressure to detain soldier PANTHER
Daughter on break finds meaning DRIFT
Fat friend, briefly ill, after doctor PALM OIL
Fellow needing name for charming group COVEN
Form calculus takes where triangle replotted? INTEGRAL
Gold used by artist inspiring Golden Dawn AURORA
Had unusually sound tips for purchase ADHESION
It was good to settle for a midday meal luncheon voucher
Light reversed in fleeting image IGNITE
Overtime pay for a barman, potentially? REFRESHER
Putting in fortune, load a fleet FLOTILLA
Recorded fragment about endless wave ENROLLED
Reject ready to join first-rate team SET ASIDE
Revealing book from Kipling — notice covers SKIMPY
Sacrifice for me has to involve million dead IMMOLATE
Shroud one round Conservative lying in state CONCEAL
Spell-check? TIME LIMIT
Tend to course around Seine's banks NURSE
Warmer in home — timers are reset immersion heater
Kiss Pole madly in winter sports setting SKI SLOPE