The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2023 04 18

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Person of wide learning taking old college subject in US POLYMATH
Prehistoric item originally accommodated by girl in charge LIASSIC
Report of pranks primarily inflicted by English girl TRIXIE
Senior cleric’s blunder over work BISHOP
Singer’s accountant plugging very old record VOCALIST
Stunner modelled again, having retired TASER
Time a chap is overcome by marijuana WEEKEND
Vocalise quietly, attracting husband’s disapproving grunt HUMPH
101 tons carried in true performance RECITAL
A regret about golf dispute ARGUE
A topless pie’s rising layers STRATA
Be dishonest, don’t be upstanding LIE
Description of furious screams from friend clutching edge PRIMAL
Dire straits engulfing one ironic writer SATIRIST
Earnestly request collection of elf stories? IMPLORE
European getting rid of good or bad smell REEK
Extremes in formal use, not likely how a native speaks? FLUENTLY
Fossilised resin found in Cookham, Berkshire AMBER
Hold up Ecstasy to be swallowed by crazy lady DELAY
Hollow stamens inside a flower or flowers BLOSSOM
Importance of announcement of delay WEIGHT
Increase assuming variable follows in decimal units INTENSIFY
Journey east is rubbish TRIPE
Large container merely overturned TUB
Loving but discovered to have no heart FOND
Mugging of bishop wearing vestment on railway ROBBERY
Mean to follow stoat’s first trail SPOOR
Magistrate’s way to dip into soft drink JUSTICE
In Latin, a humorous book NAHUM
High-class medic in Nigerian city dismissing son’s back pain LUMBAGO
Fashionable present, for example — very strong INTENSE
Eg Corrie’s character making material for tabletops SOAPSTONE
Discretion of duke supporting game, dipping into cash PRUDENCE
Dandy’s invitation to flyer to pay a quick visit? POPINJAY
Case demanding investigation at first during dance VALISE
Note about tailless donkey’s short break down under SMOKO
Wild horses using rascally quality ROGUISHNESS
Way old Jack returns, at a gentle speed MODERATO
Roundhead leader Royal extremists will overcome somehow OLIVER CROMWELL
River god: in France he principally inhabits bell towers CAMPANILI