The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2023 05 01

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Pub employee's dog biting front of Eagles record? BARKEEPER
Queen and wizard involved in extra destructive event ARMAGEDDON
Regret carrying large measuring stick RULE
Some birds cower QUAIL
Those in charge of viral image including a horse and cart ultimately MANAGEMENT
Amphibian's device to produce fungus TOADSTOOL
Complacent son getting cup SMUG
Concurred silver buck perhaps returned AGREED
Crash as piano chimed PRANG
Exclusion from old job OMISSION
Happy beginning for parvenu UPSTART
In favour of German criminal FORGER
Meticulous demand EXACT
Playful bow ARCH
Raced up before judge to recount events NARRATE
Revolutionary track for story teller LIAR
Short prayer is good before competition GRACE
Some tropical fruit for young beast CALF
Step across hot filament THREAD
Story about alcoholic drink and soft drink LIMEADE
Try to follow one old lady bug IMAGO
Turn over cheap material covered in fish eggs ROTATE
Plan put Berlin in a pickle BLUEPRINT
Not well drilled in part ILL
Mostly fairly quiet like Lloyd-George WELSH
Like specialised equipment for speaking an ancient language AZTEC
Landlord following old writer's public correspondence open letter
Hamburger maybe covered in extremely crunchy fruit? CHERRY
Half a dog's allocation is fruit? PAWPAW
Friends upset over wicked-sounding guitar technique slap bass
Fix hat when leaving a fair RIGHT
Fantastic comedy film subject inspiring poor over time BRILLIANT
Eye piece from virtual assistant swivelling around IRIS
Book lender ignoring railway sign LIBRA
Bearing second article — jewellery MOTHERING
Avoid a very low score DUCK
Asked, in French, about splitting some money ENQUIRED
Amazed when One Direction gets into a fight? AWESTRUCK
Officer's getting young person's vehicle when everyone's out? GENERAL STRIKE
Weapon overturned by unknown heavy DROWSY
Speaker welcoming physical exercise as runner OPERATOR
Sends word about reprimand DRESS DOWN
Group taking in Romeo for meal BRUNCH
Attendants keeping idiot in corridors PASSAGES
Running near a stadium ARENA
Drinking beers, closely follow persuasive argument SALES TALK