The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2023 05 04

crossword answers
Clue Answer
After end of play stage will be left so dull? CHARACTERLESS
Agent for one managing museum? PROCURATOR
Alongside is an animal crossing river ABREAST
Commander left in charge is a pain COLIC
Concerning a top bishop, parochial epic's sorted out ARCHIEPISCOPAL
Design on box? TOPIARY
Devious aunt cheated, it can be verified AUTHENTICATED
Features of a square dance in trading establishment CORNER SHOP
I am a friend, embracing one in grand manner IMPERIALLY
Island's wild animal, one getting cold on top and bottom ICELANDIC
Kicked and pulled audibly TOED
Most offensive row is “not English” RANKEST
Proper lines outside a school PRIMARY
Severely criticised old firm organised trade around India EXCORIATED
Specifications for limited periods TERMS
Test hard material lacking carbon ORAL
Tiny holes in floor covering in colonnade STOMATA
Top jazz songstress? A star CAPELLA
Union insolence — it arises in spring TULIP
Your turn in Paris to upset foreign character IOTA
A small seabird behind boat ASTERN
Ballet is performed in prison BASTILLE
Bird wing seen by fisherman? FLYCATCHER
Complaint from boy stuck in tree MALADY
Correcting fluid: line cancelled out NULLIFIED
Diet average, I am breaking fast PARLIAMENT
Dry-eyed nobleman hugged by Hardy's girl TEARLESS
Expression of disgust in Brighton and Hove, first of all BAH
Freezing cold, like small mountains CHILLY
Have piece of cake, a treat EAT
Intellectual ability, important issue for older people? GREY MATTER
Jack held hostage by girl assassin NINJA
Ladies briefly dancing in dream IDEAL
Misery, one arm being broken MOANER
Passing words inspiring leader of Russian Revolution ORBIT
Piece of cake, al fresco treat PICNIC
Place finished, be accommodating PUT UP
Retreat, due to his almost failing HIDEOUT
Scoundrel Jack set up RAT
Straight in, real switches LINEAR
Sweet spice, perfect PEPPERMINT
Twisted metal rods for painting OLD MASTER