The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2023 05 12

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Resentment as first of nights in prison turns into day DUDGEON
Superior course in sport backed UPPER
Then not half poorly received by celebrity, quite informally en famille
Under false impression, law lord pitched into act DELUDED
Abused in wrangles, as jury must be UNBIASED
Certify account — and believe ACCREDIT
Composer of Euphoria? BLISS
Composer of Fairytale in Indian dress SALIERI
Crude fellow all of us oddly missed over time LOUT
Dreams Stefania’s playing FANTASIES
EU about to prepare very loud noise protection EARMUFF
Letter from Greek lord, one amused by toy? CHILD
Running scared, making for trees CEDARS
Sadly, diva ill: opera flops, ultimately ALAS
Show one’s behind satellite MOON
Some mob Attlee arriving at Waterloo for one BATTLE
Sporting event from which to rise like a phoenix? ASHES
Steps to include foremost of heroes in storylines THREADS
Wild dances are coming up ASCEND
Yankee needing attention in eg 1944 YEAR
Offender shortly back in Clare’s place ENNIS
Obscenely rich, sets meals out occasionally for a feast CHRISTMAS
Much harder at first to stab rodent: its tail cut off here? FARMHOUSE
Masses of stone parted by large implement PLIERS
Limited by obligation to accept uniform BOUND
Jenny has no check on sprain WREN
In prison could, having cut sleeves off jacket CAGOULE
In part of speech adjust place at foot of page PREPOSITION
House improvement free of strain? EXTENSION
Handling foul matter at hospital department TREATMENT
Guarantee I curtsey clumsily SECURITY
Drunk, so wished to sleep? TIGHT
Difficulty as end of stone is chipped off RUB
Clumsy person comes up nervous and uncooperative BOLSHY
Child-devouring god not left to skulk around MOOCH
Bird in moult, one leg scruffy GUILLEMOT
Behaviour of channel under study CONDUCT
Deficient blood in pale old pope GREGORY
Pub landlord maybe ordered silence before start of Eurovision LICENSEE
Farewell from a couple of extras bye-bye
Everybody hiding in steeple had finally risen suddenly? SPIRALLED
Collection of songs, nearly all no good ALBUM
Thus bird got food on river, its flow never still SODA WATER
Sash somewhat too big OBI
Opera company on cue almost veto returning NABUCCO