The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2023 05 18

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Blame energy cuts given wrong rumours? GRAPEVINE
Crystallised mineral in two supermarkets iceland spar
During autumn time in Spain, cheer up feline OCELOT
One single soldier keeps blooming rodent AGOUTI
Parisian's to go and smoke, upset and liable to react badly ALLERGIC
Partners accepting stake in French football team NANTES
Races to get hold of smart electronic device TABLET
Scrap extremely garish suit jackets after trouble DOGFIGHT
Start of royal book tours you heard to create friction RUB
What consumer of junk food did after cycling spin ROTATE
Vehicle which needs a steer? OXCART
A curious crest in New York shows family lineage ANCESTRY
Travelling high in icy area after day playing golf drink-driving
Blackguard, horribly unfair, interrupted by female RUFFIAN
Determined worker following first man ADAMANT
Free paper lent to model employee? Far from it! ROTTEN APPLE
Furniture item following upper-class fashion FUTON
Go into middle of America when leader leaves ENTER
Lecturer, English, finished DONE
Not fitting in pocket? INAPPROPRIATE
Outstanding — funniest or most comical, for example SUPERLATIVE
Spanish girl wearing indoor accessories, being evasive SLIPPERINESS
Place to save game point, suffering losses BANKRUPT
Nobody let off steam, which is a disappointment non-event
Take out former partner — right to fit in diplomacy EXTRACT
New cat food bags good in case of sudden damage ACT OF GOD
Feeling sheepish about having donned toupee going outside RUING
Blocked tiny amount of cash divided by Mike Edwards IMPEDED
After split, decline to show evidence of sorrow TEARDROP
Young maverick is to attend prison, about to leave BEATNIK
Begin so leisurely displaying part of shoe INSOLE
Racing driver’s modus operandi’s singular MOSS
Ship mat COASTER
Start again after closure referring to old writer REOPEN
Wood pile, never ending, at heart of historic building PYRAMID