The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2023 05 19

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Banker and bishop in row TIBER
Old country fete to hold at one GALATIA
Grey meal dished out sparingly MEAGRELY
Girl initially found out complained GRUMBLED
Cats wrecked site outside a B&B TABBIES
Get rid of faulty tyres, do! DESTROY
Grimace, catching cold in Bordeaux perhaps WINCE
Rubbish served up before work, a pancake TORTILLA
Writer set out to capture live animal WILDEBEEST
Mount beast of burden to cross river CARMEL
In which a Gallic artist is found CHAGALL
Sarah and boy turned up in US city DALLAS
Saw a little daughter taking long time ADAGE
Small drop in attendance initially disrupting teacher's course BEAD
Poll's official objective hedged by expressions of doubt REFERENDUM
Target is hard — and optimistic BULLISH
Passionate, vocal woman who leads uprising AVID
This man's a mug TOBY
Abysmal ignorance, hiding what is evil MALIGN
Teacher taking time to talk effusively RABBIT
What features in chironomid genetically? MIDGE
Test case for tribunal involves revolutionary aspect TRIAL
Vessels carrying a group of sailors and birds BARN OWLS
Ill-timed, immoderate needs succeeded for king UNSEASONABLE
Pay for issue brought up previously AT ONE TIME
Cycling bore gets fit AGREE
A banal tune — it swings like The Impossible Dream? UNATTAINABLE
Start to cause trouble about final piece of work CODA
Large plant finishes off reactor to allow extra production ROWAN
Close listener follows note NEAR
Liable to produce spoilers maybe from popular record about film INDISCREET
Square divisible by two EVEN
Male characters in The Devils spread confusion dishevelment
Children's home forever faced by endless changes ORPHANAGE
Base of lower lip harbours what appears to be rash IMPRUDENCE
Leaders of right-wing establishment host US counterpart REPUBLICAN