The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2023 06 09

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Skin blemish to be somehow acceptable, we note down here? POCKETBOOK
Sound made by small hole in bucket POUR
Sticking poster chap has torn ADHERENT
Account to employ for press charges ACCUSE
Difficult keeping old squirrel away HOARD
Feed to excess ignoring large stomach GUT
Fur of decapitated rats, perhaps eastern ERMINE
Going back, pinch small brooch PIN
Going down hard, object’s losing height SETTING
Governing rule college head’s spoken of PRINCIPLE
Line in dossier FILE
Net inside moat shifts accumulated mud SEDIMENTATION
Note small car on motorway MINIM
Outstanding round part of plane OWING
Perhaps stream TV station CHANNEL
Residue from burning tree ASH
Robot car running round to man AUTOMATON
Summit ending for Noah and boat HEIGHT
Thinking dear former partner has departed PENSIVE
Trouble experienced when returning garden plant DAHLIA
Wandering snail died in area surrounded by water ISLAND
What might ring old fortified site beside a river in Africa CAMPANILE
Wine increased in value ROSE
Sealed informal refusal to stop nude rambling UNOPENED
Reveal cricketer has time for golf let slip
Returning explorer in charge of filling ship: a cutter SCISSORS
Popular expectation, ultimately wild all round, is confounded INFERNAL
One’s certainly not quietly reflecting — give time to? IMPRISON
One turned agonisingly from gang after attempts to get picked up THUMBSCREW
Need a key to set loose helpless viewer NAKED EYE
Muscles displayed by four dozen rugby players six-packs
Multicoloured trousers a boy took off PARODIED
Moslem, I hesitate to say, is more cheerful SUNNIER
Message of note by journalist’s ending TEXT
Least intelligent pupil previously useless in exam OBTUSEST
Kilometre trails go from suburbs, always ending in city OMSK
Island’s legal system blocking appeals by one SULAWESI
I would catch cold: never again? ONCE
He passed on one note out of habit? OBSOLETE
Drop jokes etc, almost all personal COMEDOWN
Appear to have finished scan look over