The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2023 06 12

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Ancient city square very — what? NINEVEH
Away from head, spots small rash RECKLESS
Bob, say, means to save time SHORT CUT
Comprehensive but difficult progress THOROUGHGOING
Dance sequence, old-fashioned, extremely unusual pas seul
Force into recycling waste REFUSE
Forgery of Conservative affiliations resolved FALSIFICATION
Immigrant’s earnings resented at first INCOMER
Lily, opera star, missing start of season CALLA
Love, a requirement to keep you half blind one-eyed
Old-time reel regularly done spontaneously EXTEMPORE
On tick, passion for silky fabric MOIRE
Pays stooge for somewhere to put a pin up FOOTSTOOL
Pungent gas in area: more complaining heard AMMONIA
Sensitivity restricting one American historian TACITUS
Small group’s endless reason to tour capitals CAUCUS
Somewhat crazy circular LOOPY
Three-dimensional figure one slashes SOLIDI
To which patron contributes a bit? TRONC
Army officer briefly getting round a port GENOA
Design military event? TATTOO
Henry, stop wasting time! HAL
Hereafter, God somehow could be met FOREGATHERED
Magnificent drink knocked back REGAL
Man perhaps getting under vehicle left in city CARLISLE
Most weird street by English lake EERIEST
People up a sort of tree ANCESTORS
Report soldiers behind schedule RELATE
Servicemen take bits off part of ship ORLOP
Slushy stuff, mostly fine GOO
Story about a sheep in Wyoming city LARAMIE
Weapon knight protected in fine material LANCE
Not how to run a business? One's perplexed AT A LOSS