The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2023 08 28

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Party turned up to support British person BOD
Ride around we hear to purchase tool for harvest BICYCLE
Settle in upper chamber PERCH
Severe redundancy leaving area strapped for cash badly off
Starts to abseil, leaving Patagonian peak ALP
The cigar's turned to a pile of ash long ago REICHSTAG
Wonderful time in Brasilia — sun out, millions visiting annus mirabilis
Deadlock contributing to mistrust and offence stand-off
Firm belief of Conservative about party CREDO
Get over being in a bad mood CROSS
Good sense I displayed differently in first book GENESIS
Holy place can and must change SANCTUM
How to cross range for major operation BYPASS
I arrive, wrecked, in popular seaside area RIVIERA
Is able to preserve French resort, we hear CAN
Is under average for capital PARIS
Little time put into piece of Greek text, hence bad mark STIGMA
Modify recusal not based on religion SECULAR
One may run, producing narrow margin of victory NOSE
Over a long period, scavenge FORAGE
Trick of role reversal TRAP
Unlike ministers, prepare LAY
Very little loud noise when multiple deliveries happen BABY BOOM
One returning to identify Charlie IDIOT
Notable Greek nobleman talked regularly ARISTOTLE
Key player — oops! — hints carelessly about a vote SAXOPHONIST
Island initially celebrating All Fools' Day CAPRI
Hearts ace banking foreign currency — he could be laughing! HYENA
Funny elf, fourteen, who could be fair game wheel of fortune
Foot-dragging convict and warder missing uniform LAGGARD
Feed Canton, having grub to go around NOURISH
Drink finished off by players mostly ICED TEA
Deer caught a bone round top of upland CARIBOU
Butt of agenda uncovered fag end
Bewildered G-man punched by knucklehead FLUMMOXED
Alluring woman exhausted, wasting year cutting hair TEMPTRESS
Work in a US city is torture AGONY
Broadcasting elegant young socialite leaving ON AIR
Expert account about a large old Western figure BUFFALO BILL