The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2023 09 26

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Bird’s down SWALLOW
Belfry’s bats surrounding one for a moment BRIEFLY
City where one may clean up BATH
An old poet played slowly ANDANTE
Affix a warning for apron PINAFORE
I must visit more flexible furnisher SUPPLIER
It’s inches out, an irritation ITCHINESS
A search in East London for relative AUNT
One after large tiger, say, produces safety device LIFELINE
A jewel returned: great! MEGA
Written up, anecdote contains constant flair ECLAT
Work detail supported by current colleague in particular SPECIALLY
Beg to live and visit church BESEECH
Aged men stumbling into final stage ENDGAME
Birdsong belted out regularly after conflict WARBLE
Donkey’s extremely enjoyable time long past EEYORE
Solution is somewhat unexpectedly easy LYE
His meal is on us? CANNIBAL
Sharp tip of talon removed from bird BITTER
Politician taken in by excellent cover story ALIBI
Pharmacy initially needing licence to supply bromide PLATITUDE
Pair of daughters united by love DUO
Mike and Eleanor at first quietly become engaged MESH
Perhaps a single series RUN
Returning, is called to be taken by tube SIPHONED
Slump as long story is never-ending SAG
Injunction applied to key report BANG
Watch first of batters’ startling performance eye-opener
Front of handbag has grey clasp HOLD
Small children possibly caught dipping into church donations TITCHES
Strangle vicious Trot in wild rage GARROTTE
Millions following one singular doctrine ISM
Popular individual not using an agent in person
Kid given lead part in today’s service TEA SET
A couple of animals, or nine cats, for instance? ANAGRAM
Half-hearted resentment over dismal show SPLENDOUR
Soldier maybe is about to stay somewhere in France ANTIBES
Marketing ploy from e-tailer isn’t occasionally scrapped tie-in
Fight to establish comfortable position box seat
Outfit for going out in? NIGHTIE
Engineer on-site a lot, in a jam? nose-to-tail
European resort, flipping empty SPANIARD
Big group essentially occupying squats from time to time SUPERSET
According to a sales assistant, goods finally turned up as per