The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2024 05 17

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Ledger entry’s extremely defective part DEBIT
Leaving word poor quality stuff is at start of auction ta-ta
Foolish time to put identifying mark into deer DOTAGE
Spotted insect and hen, may one say? LADYBIRD
Engineers manage a repeat broadcast RERUN
Covering small area of unproductive land SHEATH
Believer is quiet and strangely hesitant PANTHEIST
An argument about River Dart ARROW
A little insult angers sovereign SULTAN
Peer is said to be childless BARREN
Take place of officer knocked over by bounder OCCUR
Scotsman unfortunately died before broadcast ALASDAIR
Heat of battle at mountain height WARMTH
Fresh flood defence for Notts town NEWARK
Suffered from exposure, but survived WEATHERED
Perhaps stuff Scot's to put back EAT
Perhaps novice's news, entertaining for all NUN
Take side off piece of furniture to make it fit ABLE
Undemanding hilltop not very high LOWBROW
Elements making water good to keep for oneself HOG
Dog around London area shows what retriever does? RECOVER
A friend from America returning by one Muslim country DUBAI
Blooming angry expression during riparian activity FLOURISHING
Ashes holder punching Aussie bounder in tour JOURNEY
Spooner's inhabited part of Western Europe's land touch down
A little craft roughly shown by French composer CARAVEL
Speed and ecstasy's under a hundred pounds CRUSHES
Rival of Reading close to losing final, playing Inter GLASTONBURY
Producing plans, relative captures pawn before more valuable piece MAPMAKING
A slip crossing over large ditch ABOLISH
Women's accessory model shows item I can't name WHATSIT
Thesp and France's main female novelist getting Oscar for musicals HAMMERSTEIN
Certain Muslims hosting very revered Hindu SHIVA
A bum intro, playing French folk music TAMBOURIN
Mark and I keeping lots of coffee for Italian who worked in bars SCARLATTI
Husband shows Sue a way to control shock? HAIRSPRAY