The Telegraph Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2020 11 02

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Make downhearted policeman cheer DISPIRIT
Summary provided by archaeological expedition is in French DIGEST
Account of a bishop entering country NARRATION
Flat island shown in programme PLAIN
Where one may go for a beer, and a gin cocktail as well? INTOTHEBARGAIN
Pass member heading for Emmanuel or Selwyn, maybe COLLEGE
Happy clearing last away GLAD
Collect beam in person PRAYER
Note journalists keep back REPRESS
Sauce boat at a higher price KETCHUP
Bail broken? I must make an excuse ALIBI
In collaboration daily HOMEHELP
River in twilight – not all visible INDUS
Reword, perhaps badly, article artist penned PARAPHRASE
Band: first of recordings penned by R.E.M. member STRIPE
Set of steps left by counter? LADDER
Delight as first of properties let PLEASE
Touching time, negotiator penning note TANGENT
Unnecessary to goad small son NEEDLESS
Hot sitting in delightful recess NICHE
Doctor angered Spanish nobleman GRANDEE
Host foolish to exclude bishop ARMY
Register ultimate in praise during subtle comedy DROLLERY
Player on team put back to guard goal DEFENDER
Accepted going topless is a sin GREED
Stone jar at home brought back inside GRANITE
Change one's mind about act being suggestive REDOLENT
Alleged criminal erupted REPUTED
Obscure pieces from films shown in middle of week ECLIPSE
A cross on island making a self-evident statement AXIOM
One buying almost perfect jumper PURCHASER
Delayed, kept in court HELDUP
Tense? I have no flaws! IMPERFECT
Daphne is keen on playing to avoid becoming rusty KEEPONESHANDIN
Film taxi crossing a small choppy canal CASABLANCA
Timber washed ashore did for two in resort DRIFTWOOD
Top milk producer? JERSEY
Diet, terrible at first for military group REGIMENT
Churchgoer in capital greeting one close to minster PARISHIONER
Item of furniture dumbfounding person presiding ROCKINGCHAIR
About to feed a hundred in resort at which a Wild West experience may be enjoyed? DUDERANCH
Not right, one female being fired from amusement park UNFAIR
Reputation long held by court CACHET