The Telegraph Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 08 23

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Tonight, a telling off in tube station NOTTINGHILLGATE
Theft of tin at church SNATCH
A copper climbing around top of tower to aim loaded weapon AUTOMATIC
Series of notes calling for an answer? RINGTONE
Likelihood of six having talent? VIABILITY
Pirate's reportedly crude manner CORSAIR
Ignorant, like most soldiers about ending of conscription? UNINFORMED
Table includes league side initially made up of celebrities ALLSTAR
Is found below alluring Scottish castle GLAMIS
Endless criticism involving old philosopher STOIC
Refugee found in exposed shed OUTCAST
Causing laughter, stripper at last able to be seen topless RISIBLE
Flash Gordon's original material GLINT
Queen and king under British flag BANNER
Sacked butler ringing round causing strife TROUBLE
Bird wife precooked, for a change WOODPECKER
Under pressure, a girl cuts nose badly -- one may be required to operate PLASTICSURGEON
Turning, last of yachts tacking SPINNING
Peculiar oblong American sausage BOLOGNA
Nancy and Jessica, say, first to make it for foremost of dinners MITFORD
Overwhelming disaster as taxi reversed left into river DEBACLE
Den left warm and dry LAIR
Section of diagram shows Indian city AGRA
Sort of safety device dalesmen had, and used DEADMANSHANDLE
College dance, one round end of April BALLIOL
Pop song, 'Sailor', most-liked originally in hospital STARMAN
Hiker having stroll between two rivers RAMBLER
Romantic film -- overtly, so fanciful LOVESTORY
Stroke new material LINEN
Direction-finder's range COMPASS
Genuine note subsequently placed on top SINCERE
Change bodice hard to be ignored ALTER
Peevish person's to go over plot CROSSPATCH
Succeeded having deployed her mace? I have no idea SEARCHME
Ski downhill in school – American succeeded SCHUSS
Run two sons across lake SERIES
Like entering political group in European region CAUCASUS
Poor show MEAN
Male in difficulty becomes entangled MESHES
What may prevent one getting off? INSOMNIA
Brief film, western, shown inside LAWYER