The Telegraph Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2022 08 22

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Pirate's gold in saic at sea close to Gibraltar CORSAIR
Restore to a readable state, name, last in register club's disguised UNSCRAMBLE
Puzzle over people carrier REBUS
Copy clients ordered STENCIL
Collection made by bishop at church BATCH
Wine-producing region -- cross central point CRUX
Remaining matron male ignored OTHER
What may be wheeled in spa, daily, around one? BATHCHAIR
From where to watch magnificent batting partnership? GRANDSTAND
Composer raised in Rimini's so rich ROSSINI
Private soldier in rock opera TOMMY
William unfortunately outed by kiss and love letter BILLETDOUX
Strikingly attractive, a piece of jewellery passed round lounge ARRESTING
Upset Holly? If so, unwisely FOOLISHLY
First ace BEST
Spirit produced by good landlord GHOST
Express a point of view over coniferous tree OPINE
Female, over in Grenoble, moving soon BEFORELONG
Serving as a warning about Tirana, you suspect CAUTIONARY
Verse Frost recited? RHYME
Comparative number in operation RATIO
Definite loser? Work inside on her jumping NOHOPER
Non-stop outside after vote cast ETERNAL
Traveller in poem, American, saving Yankee steamship ODYSSEUS
Big band has rector dancing ORCHESTRA
Toy from Tokyo -- youngster's YOYO
A politician impressed by county's glasswort SAMPHIRE
Painter of cattle on a spread CANALETTO
The woman departs having cast off SHED
Catches held in proper practice session REHEARSAL
Pair back in plant become dull CLOUDOVER
A daughter calling for recognition ADMISSION
Loewe's partner impressing a student LEARNER
Anecdote's beginning to surprise Conservative STORY
Attacked since ideals rubbished ASSAILED
Second team's swindle SCREW
Free from restraint, made a sudden remark? LETLOOSE
High-class, small hotel by Italian river POSH
Partygoer in right state RAVER
Satellite telephone, brilliant TELSTAR
Vital element of German city church ESSENCE
Defeat old-fashioned party OUTDO
Social set's endless boast CROW
Drinks knocked over in temper tantrum STROP
Sirens upsetting to horse HOOTERS
Boy describing a fine French spice SAFFRON
Greek god, sensitive, sent back EROS
Furry aquatic creature has wizard scratching head OTTER
Coppers stopping at island for a game PATIENCE
Laundress finally leaving wicked hypnotist SVENGALI
Disappointment for fan? BLOW
Popular country singer makes list INCLINE