The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2023 08 03

crossword answers
Clue Answer
A, B, C, D, F or G? NOTE
Wound up, almost hallucinate SEETHING
Tick off job, changing frame of upper entrance OBJURGATE
Vault leaving sprinter’s bottom in endless pain ARCH
A setter includes trap, going over puzzle ENIGMA
Singer turning up in Scotland ALTO
Old Lancashire factory’s motto: nil carborundum legitimi — initially mistaken! cotton mill
One’s twice becoming a goddess ISIS
Welsh man mistaken for saviour on English river CAMBRIAN
For Constantine I, entering my home oddly generates a lot of resistance MEGOHM
Where Japanese train departs and heads for Osaka, journeying onwards DOJO
German's hindquarters uncovered OTTO
Peanuts, perhaps, Mike saved in price cut COMIC STRIP
Drink before matches in formal men’s attire NECKTIES
Most calm, and yet is French! STILLEST
Is a solicitor learning to stop troublemakers? IMPLORES
This may keep a red grouse, we hear, dry in part of tree wine bottle
Feature of Asian country left incomplete CHIN
Drawing of small boat SKETCH
Party held by certain people briefly in wicked place SODOM
Compare group once more on street set against
Bender one proposes to go on? KNEE
Carry out gong character used twice in symphony OBEY
Range of products for keeping plants in jelly VASELINE
More pleasant but nameless kitchen decorator? ICER
Fine! I will tuck into fishy food for a starter ROOKIE
Diet European fed to fertile male REICHSTAG
Present non-voluntary movements for nonconformists HERETICS
Faculty US monk regularly visited in season AUTUMN
Give out some cards HAND
Maybe record written by past Labour leader in March FOOTSLOG
An eccentric leading investigator may HEADCASE
Package Norm left outside church PARCEL
Painful condition: one’s going round hospital SHINGLES
Quality of a sound medic, cutting fag out TIMBRE
Weapons, as intercepted by Royal Marines ARMS