The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2023 10 19

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Golf shot you’re aiming to complete GRID
Snide comment of American soldier beginning to blame English GIBE
Artist is beginning to smile when hugged by chum MATISSE
Hack cried out for somewhere to sit DECK CHAIR
Ban lifted having retired meeting resistance DEBAR
Care homes indeed small — simple one in country HAYSEED
Tips for say stopping dad’s insidious tactics PSYOPS
Teacher (100!) to talk incessantly RABBIT ON
Spike necessarily after a time replacing Charlie PERFORATE
Artist and academic gas RADON
Len set us up? That’s unpleasant to hear! TUNELESS
French city from 50s featured in story LILLE
Brief couple of points you had welcomed as a female CURTSEYED
Quiet river free from pollution PURE
Do for admiral’s first five years in RN? ANNIVERSARY
Superior Navy vessel URN
Yearn to have case dismissed as judge listened EARWIGGED
Too anxious at first when meeting players from capital ALSO
Prime ministers as skilled craftspeople? cabinet-makers
Criminal in car, from memory having run over charity worker? ram-raider
Moving from high category jail ASTIR
Accepting promotion, good for you to display swagger BRAVADO
Awfully inhumane pop’s gaining advantage unfairly? one-upmanship
Head of sales in store is horribly powerful type DESPOT
I attempt to catch a Shakespearean villain IAGO
Objects to alien attitudes MINDSET
You heard sheep EWE
Nasty prancer resolved to slide maybe TRANSPARENCY
Band had sacked skilful worker DAB HAND
Mix of oddly cold, gooey green matter? ECOLOGY
Half measure upset director de mille
Blemish on paper — it is dark against bright background SUNSPOT