The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2023 11 13

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Musician's funny Christian rock after tango TRUMPETER
Right to cut Hardy girl’s long hair TRESS
Belgian criminal, or one from Asia? BENGALI
Book only you could have written? AUTOBIOGRAPHY
Room for compromise? ACCOMMODATION
Drunk in bar did groan, drying out here draining board
Continental area — cool hedges endlessly fertile AFRICAN
Picked up soldier's rank meat KERNEL
Impossible idea one must forsake NOT ON
Succeeded in accurate working in class CRUSTACEA
Howler monkey losing its head ERROR
Treachery of spoilt Yale brat BETRAYAL
Gamble about son becoming number one BEST
Extraordinary site rent producing a profit INTEREST
Put off hosting single German male DIETER
Smuggler in Berlin is following group of Nicaraguan rebels CONTRABANDIST
Half of area acquired by London School of Economics is let out LEASE
Dated a right Charlie drinking spicy drink ARCHAIC
An honourable man, someone in MI6 perhaps AGENT
Old island-hopper uses elastic after trunk's losing lid ODYSSEUS
Two boys in Casualty VICTIM
Child beginning to suck a kind of rock SPROG
One seen wading in say river banks in Egypt EGRET
Important principle whichever way you look at it TENET
Perhaps like hummus and nuts DIPPY
Bird nursed by young Rebecca GREBE
Good deal on cost drawing in new students here PRINCETON
Scouting leaders in cub expeditions on playing field RECCE
Door staff turned handle here NAME TAG
Hoping to offload Samsung's ultimate tablet ASPIRIN
Grand girl I heard — but one lacking in perception? glass eye
Determined to hold golf club up before a miss SENORITA
Liberal MP covered in beer AMPLE
Everyone on river having a certain attraction ALLURE
Popular ruler wants time, one signalling change of direction INDICATOR
Outraged sons formed an alliance STEAMED UP
A rich me? Sadly just a dream CHIMERA
Very old Brits chill, turning up at home ICENI
One blowing up foe finally, if arming bombs MAGNIFIER
Might he leave you to stew for a bit? CANNIBAL
Playing jazz live and dancing bebopping
Having peeled date, a German did duck meals outside ATE IN
Eager to see article by George occasionally AGOG
Rattle Arab ruler, might one say? SHAKE