The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2023 11 16

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Switch to fiddle used by old composer RODRIGO
Somewhat irreverently returned? In your dreams NEVER
Husband in Soviet Union a cavalryman once HUSSAR
Reducing money for American sailor after swindle CONCENTRATING
Commentator’s staunch European CZECH
Publican's skill in heavy drinking BARTENDER
Maybe encourage one to get groundbreaking single out HAND-PICK
Deliberately lose best sleeveless garment TANK TOP
Part of Hampshire town’s free to redevelop New Forest
Pronounced piggy pull TOW
Circle of friends needing somewhere to sleep next to Great Lake COTERIE
Opposite, one new poem INVERSE
Charity account artist set up for Greek department ARCADIA
Shakespearean king, scratching head, is a good listener? EAR
Letter: it’s likely to arrive after Thursday THETA
Repeat paid lecture randomly REDUPLICATE
Fool's involuntary movement JERK
Is spread betting clean? Yes, every so often! SPLAYS
Am leaving US to find evergreen shrub ERICA
Alternative healer we anger furiously NEW AGER
Nearly stylish life force CHI
More fortunate, and braver, after losing head LUCKIER
Complicated for a technician, unleashing loud chemical process? CHAIN REACTION
Three couples send rude message — and in French SEXTET
Greeting for which parent, sadly, is not going forward SALAAM
Cold homeless waif stops to see old war leader CHURCHILL
Discussion item about radius line on a globe TROPIC
State: 'I make incision after join' CONNECTICUT
Poor black lad sold nuts ODDBALLS
Humiliation in a cellar ABASEMENT
That is awfully harmful for a footballer SCRUM HALF
Sensationally, if clearly, making speed of light run! LURIDLY
Large ugly royal REGAL
Hot goal in rugby score TRENDY
Crescent, one French in character, largely LUNETTE
Gossip starts to jar as well JAW
Some cash brought up for cheesemaker's ingredient RENNET
I agree I must meet obligations to provide services AMENITIES
Rum sort of jacket seen on graduate BACARDI
American or Caribbean music covered by a network ALASKAN