The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2023 11 21

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Get high up to install large sort of panel SOLAR
Unstable, like some mountain peaks? ROCKY
Small pine for one, or spruce SMARTEN
Support son over joint sports contest, perhaps CHAMPIONSHIP
Nearly laid out by a tree ASPEN
Extremist involved in adult radicalisation ULTRA
Sturdy horse runs over a venomous snake COBRA
Drink to follow for small pet LAPDOG
“Mountain church,” a gospel standard BENCHMARK
Aim to express disapproval OBJECT
Pence and shillings raised in charity work by David PSALM
One in fifty seven teens not very excitable TENNESSEE
Grasslike plant primarily straggling border SEDGE
Painter does what would-be MP may hope to do GAINSBOROUGH
Prophet a doctor originally supported AMOS
Angry about a hybrid style of music CROSSOVER
Cut and separate a few lines BIT PART
Very keen daughter replacing front of hands-free device DEAD SET
Overlord’s shelter by river at end of estate POTENTATE
Early stage in imagination INFANCY
Decree DA meant to develop MANDATE
Belligerent allies, we suggested central powers
Scottish writer given right to build obstacle BARRIER
For a kiss, cut down strong drink RAKI
Drink provided by commander in short outdoor garment COCOA
In favour of light weight computer file PROGRAM
Stones are remarkable for echoes RESONATES
It hurts to give licence to young bird OWLET
Leader leaving crazy military force ARMY
Anticipate no relaxation during trip FORESTALL
Apparently embarrassed prosecutor upset poisoner ADDER
Sort of currency claimed when travelling DECIMAL
Task force for Hull City? tiger team