The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2023 11 24

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Spare list LEAN
Sponsor’s perspective when raising euro initially ANGEL
Couple allowed to form band BRACELET
New face for restaurant CAFE
Free BBC after first of August UNTIE
Visiting pub, overheard barristers inner bar
Know beforehand charge is to include valuable minerals FORESEE
Press to be regularly seen in outrigger URGE
Pets left aboard vessel coming west STROPS
Hot American group finding partner HUSBAND
Article, good, in temporary accommodation — touching TANGENT
Track crossing river one used to exercise on TRAMPOLINE
Make certain Republican has been dropped off — follow in order ENSUE
Think Calliope is one MUSE
Gallery to become busy GODS
Teaches son hiding game CHESS
Good beer I held brewed in German city HEIDELBERG
Previously reportedly completely willing ALREADY
Maybe simple Appalachian horse: one’s going to charge Yankee HILLBILLY
Getting new start, picture on wall, away from city RURAL
Rail pub lawyers forbid BAR
Caribbean dance in intermediate state LIMBO
Loungers in resort lie scattered LOITERERS
African language speaker’s exposed by article SHONA
Initially blurting out such horrendous nonsense BOSH
Tactful, separate, we hear DISCREET
Not sparing whip around six LAVISH
Artist in E European state volunteers for opera LA TRAVIATA
Here in shelter, remains of beer and fish? LEE SIDE
When one’s potentially had puddings, as breakfast sometimes served outside all fools day
Scottish couple cycling to see monastery WAT
Repeatedly cry in pain crossing Poles to see Antarctic phenomenon yellow snow
Annexes, or small rooms, clubs let out ELLS
Steep area, mind when moving around MARINADE
One following proposer once Reds are involved SECONDER
In deluge I recollected recommendation GUIDELINE
After revolution, unions getting share CUT
Leave bin for recycling, encouraging one to go green? ENVIABLE
Kitty and I agree to agree in essence FUNDAMENTALLY
Relating to currency note army supply MONETARY