The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2023 12 21

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Poet being interrupted by love and later by onset of senility HOUSMAN
Prepares to take off one among deductions from pay TAXIES
Heavy-handedly control work on newspapers OPPRESS
Derisive remark cut short during Wendy’s family tea DARJEELING
I’m sorry, exercise books seem to be about a total of eleven PENITENT
Plead to keep too much in a workshop BOTTEGA
Item baked perhaps an awkward responsibility HOT POTATO
Country way, one guarded by police once RUSTIC
What’s sickening to numbers of Romans TOXIC
Keep drawing attention to large jug FLAGON
Peak time, middle of work TOR
Fail to pawn garment TANK TOP
Staggering, installing new sunshade AWNING
Anonymous informant given a short stretch a little bird
Like some robbers in film, angry to be tailed PIRATIC
One ironing negligently? It’s a hot day! SCORCHER
Townsman’s spot over in nice development CITIZEN
Flower is cut: name? SEVERN
Modest, but sounding much in demand? CHASTE
Aeroplane manoeuvre not entirely crazy LOOP
Money, and where to keep it? TIN
Service charge offered regularly FEE
Dreadful cost I accepted uncomplaining STOIC
Bidding to get digital assistance is inviting trouble asking for it
A minor way abroad is as wide as possible BROADEST
Conventional pair embracing guy PROPER
Partners at table accepting one’s sensible WISE
Here cast your vote and get some tea URN
In lookout try to capture a grazing animal: artist failing GAZEBO
Almost drop argument for register of singers FALSETTO
Select cap to be prepared for public display SPECTACLE
Part of Capri lovely in springtime APRIL
Intros from old radio broadcast EXORDIA
Wide strip of bandage finally applied to heavy blow by hospital SWATHE
False star explodes in middle of freeze-up ERSATZ
Choice testimonial on page PREFERENCE