The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2024 01 31

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Grass certain ruminants brought back REED
The female's love is offered to male for selfless acts HEROISM
Curdled milk, note, returned RENNET
Perturbed daughter is attracted to men — act to restrain her ultimately DISORDERED
Warning light in Wokingham, Berks AMBER
Article dumped outside home, yours no longer? THINE
Bungling players initially employed in popular film INEPT
Small gallery accommodating high-class sculpture STATUE
Group of musicians prohibited on radio BAND
Party politician, heartless female working magic somewhere in London GREENWICH
Build up a holiday island, as you might say ACCRETE
Underweight ruler’s philosophy? THINKING
Tenacity shown by salesman overturned separation PERSEVERANCE
Religious law would harm anyone to some extent DHARMA
Direct animal on farm STEER
A sight in bed, wearing glasses! BESPECTACLED
Opening Henry found in Riviera resort NICHE
Mutual relationship in science CHEMISTRY
Participate in English period ENGAGE
Poet nursing curious aim to be pub employee BARMAID
Chap demanding a final song, perhaps ALASTAIR
Tree, one by river ACER
Complained, having desire to be laid up? BITCHED
Reckon attendees will waste time GUESS
Girl was inclined to accept time alone UNATTENDED
Vivacity of English knight touring US city ELAN
Male blunder — it limits chaps — such fun! MERRIMENT
This person has a story for your ear? MEALIE
Country home of duke, a fellow quietly forgotten DACHA
In part, merit reanimated African citizen ERITREAN
An Italian poet here could make quite a slow movement DANTE
Note to get medicine TONIC
Asian needing help turned up in lodging-place INDIAN
Old-fashioned when receiving short order and seriously committed DEDICATED
After short wicked act boy is red CRIMSON
Out of fashion, being invited for a tryst DATED
Animal pen at end of lane? It’s an eyesore! STYE
Birds sound contented mostly, finding flowering plant LARKSPUR
Seal, or young bird, do we hear? SIGNET
Man in posh car running into horse BARRY