The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2024 04 23

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Extraordinary dormice: tail on one is ordinary MEDIOCRE
One moved out day before receiving a signal EVACUEE
Wind up, containers knocked over STOP
Flier, bit of a laugh LARK
Star turn caught by everyone ALGOL
Irritate insect lover GALLANT
A clerk’s odd half-cut hairstyle DREADLOCKS
Responsibility assigned to under-secretary ONUS
Pottery company relocates — worry for breakage ROYAL WORCESTER
English work in Haiti destroyed country ETHIOPIA
Metal tin, a lump processed PLATINUM
A rifle I'd misused where planes observed AIRFIELD
Measure monarch, for example RULER
Chokes eating English plums GAGES
Note to perform vocally, ignoring small tremolo QUAVERING
Rubbish garment PANTS
Small dog I had raised to excavate DIG UP
Become very warm when in decay ROAST
Carbon in wrought iron is for cutter INCISOR
Evidently unhappy employee, one observing hands on face? clock-watcher
Sheer quality of Sunshine Soap ad being broadcast diaphanousness
Certain cadre, unfortunately, locked up INCARCERATED
Mean line for painter of matchstick men LOWRY
Become a minister and submit to PM’s whims? take orders
House record label is after soprano initially SEMI
Dig tunnel badly, revealing some tolerance INDULGENT
Hotpot not dry’s served up STEW
Stress appeal is to be found in children’s book heroine ITALICISE
Rogue operation in effect IMPACT
Cold, cold incline CHILL
Smooch: a little peck is similar KISS
Daft bird CUCKOO
Reported hoard found on lake in mountainous region KASHMIR
Room where Barbie's boyfriend entertains desire KITCHEN
Those against hollowed out universal support — who was asked? CONSULTEE