The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2024 05 01

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Accommodation given to king and one Italian boss PADRONE
Expose stomach for audience BARE
Last bit of resistance of retreating enemy FOE
Writer’s unfinished work? I don’t like it BOO
Maybe a time before Christmas by Yorkshire river PERADVENTURE
Girl on vacation having affair — such excitement! GLAMOUR
Remove Republican gatecrashing facility ERASE
Innocent little creatures losing heart in workplaces LABS
Dish of sturgeon occasionally expensive in France TRENCHER
Serious listener has comfortable home EARNEST
Chap turning on female cashier DISMISS
Two promises becoming a curse SWEAR WORD
Attractiveness of heartless girl having secret affair GLAMOUR
Old queen lazed around? DIDO
Organise a selection to be broadcast ARRANGE
Interior of pub — about to be done over INNER
District hospital defended by old man SHIRE
Scrap university competition to secure new expedition vessel ENDURANCE
Right place for a quarrel? QUIVER
I had lunch outside King’s Cross IRATE
Has eldest turned out to be indestructible? DEATHLESS
Old carouser settled youngster’s case SATYR
Cry on bishop’s resignation? It will leave a hole AWL
Relative in detention centre an Indian copper once NANNA
Meant to be grand inside, if ornate SIGNIFIED
Female performers, experts concealing long hair ACTRESSES
Composer angrily rails at heartless court SCARLATTI
False gods, surprisingly solid IDOLS
Importance of figures executive originally disappearing STATUS
Very tired journalists finally meeting mad man (editor) SHATTERED
Some burning inside to get drink GIN
Eastern money consumed for legislative body SENATE
Wordy tome His Eminence has taken into house THESAURUS
Almost everyone on board attending a dance SALSA
Promiscuous and outspoken cleric, unpredictable customer LOOSE CANNON
Boozy yob, exceptionally large, joining group outside university LAGER LOUT
Ditching Bonn mandate perverse ABANDONMENT
Some in Paris concealing failing schemes DEVICES
Thunderous god descending on knight, old character THORN
Called for work to block river Dee EXACTED
Huge waste ending in ruin of philosopher EPICUREAN
Found different ballet movement FONDU
Fellows had briefly to be put right MEND