The Times Specialist - Crossword Answers | 2020 12 13

crossword answers
Clue Answer
At Eton, a scholar who is not a colleger OPPIDAN
Mike Yarwood, Jon Culshaw or Alistair McGowan IMPRESSIONIST
Pineapple juice, rum and coconut milk PINA COLADA
Malcolm Hebden plays ____ Cole in Coronation Street NORRIS
Ornamental pot or trough for plants JARDINIERE
“Oh ____, I long to hear you, Away you rolling river” (Song lyrics) SHENANDOAH
Where your international mobile subscriber identity is stored SIM CARD
Gunman who shoots from undercover SNIPER
US book club which has published its own editions of new books since 1927 literary guild
Chinese dish of vegetables, and sometimes meat, served in a pancake SPRING ROLL
Saudi-born leader of al-Qaeda, killed by US special forces in Pakistan in 2011 BIN LADEN
Twig of a plant used as a graft SCION
The royal house of Scottish monarchs from 1371 to 1714 STUART
Luxurious railway carriage PULLMAN
To split, or to adhere CLEAVE
In 1993, Cohse, Nalgo and Nupe merged to form ____ UNISON
Lord of Masham, a conspirator in Shakespeare’s Henry V SCROOP
Gypsum used in casts for moulds or bone fractures PLASTER OF PARIS
The world’s first adhesive postage stamp, first issued on May 1, 1840 PENNY BLACK
Branded block of bouillon, sold since 1910 Oxo cube
US comedian, whose signature song was Thanks For The Memory BOB HOPE
John Adams, last survivor of a group of Bounty mutineers including Fletcher Christian, was found on ___ in 1808 PITCAIRN ISLAND
Appear calm despite adverse circumstances Put on a brave face