The Times Specialist - Crossword Answers | 2021 12 26

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Dave Edmunds’s 1970 seasonal No 1 hit single I Hear You Knocking
Of a situation, became more intense or exciting heated up
The Beatles’ 1963 seasonal No 1 hit single I Want to Hold Your Hand
British motoring magazine first published in 1895 AUTOCAR
Cliff Richard’s 1988 seasonal No 1 hit single Mistletoe and Wine
Not bearing gifts? UNTALENTED
Frost formed on objects by rapid freezing in mist or fog RIME
Name of an Old English letter, a ligature of a and e AESC
Type of long-grain rice used in Indian cuisine BASMATI
An ____ contributes to a metric determining online engagement active user
Mud’s 1974 seasonal No 1 hit single Lonely This Christmas
Ghiberti’s baptistery doors in Florence are an example of ____ in sculpture RELIEF
A colloquial name for smoked cannabis wacky baccy
White ____ is a cocktail of vodka, coffee liqueur, and milk RUSSIAN
Corm of (especially) taro EDDO
Anarchist Mikhail ____ was initially an ally but later an opponent of Karl Marx BAKUNIN
In geologic time, a subdivision of an epoch AGE
A skilled worker or craftsman ARTISAN
____ says “God bless us, every one!” in A Christmas Carol Tiny Tim
Michel ____ led an unsuccessful cavalry charge at Waterloo NEY
American term for social awareness in an urban environment street smarts
France’s oldest national daily newspaper Le Figaro
The symbol ending every statement in computer languages like Java and C SEMICOLON
Informally, having a liking for camping, hiking etc OUTDOORSY
A two-horse chariot of ancient Rome BIGA